Social Media

How to create a poll on Facebook

October 26, 2022
4 min of reading
How to create a poll on Facebook
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Making a Facebook poll is a great way to make plans with friends, create a friendly discussion, or ask your customers what they’d like to see from your business and it takes only a minute or two.
You can customize your Facebook poll to only a select group of people, so not everyone you’re friends with has to know what your poll is about.

Facebook Polls can help you find out what your audience thinks about your brand, what you should create next, and how they feel about it. While Facebook Polls can help you make more strategic business decisions, they can also do other wonderful things for your online presence like boosting your Facebook page’s engagement and building up a sense of community amongst your audience. You can also ask your audience which products they would like the most to see available from your online store, ultimately it allows you quickly gain information tailored just for you from your target audience.

Learn in this post, all the different ways how you can create polls on Facebook and how to use them effectively.

Reasons why you should create Facebook Polls

Know what your audience thinks

Facebook polls are a way for people to voice their opinions about issues and they can choose from multiple options and give their point of view on any topic you have chosen

For any marketing or business plan, it’s crucial to know what your customers think about certain topics. If you have a social media marketing strategy in mind, would be good to learn about your audience’s opinion. This way you can plan better and put your marketing strategy in place.

Increase brand engagement

Polls are a great way to get your audience excited about your project and give them a sense of ownership over it. People are more likely to engage with your poll, and they’ll be more likely to submit their answers if they see that it’s valuable for them.

Imagine that a poll is a touchpoint between your business and a sale you make. Encouraging your audience to get involved increases the activity on your profile, which makes your audience take notice of your business.

Evaluate your results quickly

In traditional surveys and questionnaires, you need to spend a lot of time and labor evaluating results. On Facebook, you can quickly view the results of an online poll by seeing how many votes each answer has received, and the percentage of voters who have voted for that answer.

Types of Facebook Polls

Facebook offers a variety of options for creating polls, including the ability to select different types of questions. Let’s go through some of the most common types of polls you can create.

How to make a poll on Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are a great way for brands to create a community and engage with their customers. Creating a poll for your audience is one of the best ways to increase brand engagement.

Step 1: Log into your account.

Step 2: Go to a group

From your feed, click Groups in the left menu and select the group you want to create your poll. If you can’t see it, then click See more.

Facebook Left Menu

Step 3: Create a post

Click where the text says “Write something…” and then click on “Add to your post” and find “Poll” from the options.

Create a post in Facebook

Step 4: Create your Facebook Poll

Write your poll where you see “Ask something…” and then add the options in the spaces below.

Once you’re done with the options, you can click on Settings (the gear icon close to the “Add Option” button) to select if you want to allow people to choose multiple answers or allow anyone to add options.

Create a Facebook Group Poll
Choose options in your Facebook Poll

Step 5: Publish your Facebook Poll

Once you’re done with the options and settings, click “Post.” Now you have successfully created a poll in your Facebook Group.

How to edit a Facebook Poll

You can edit the text of a poll only until people start voting, once they started voting then you can’t edit the text anymore. To edit a poll that you created, click on the “three dots icon”, then “Edit post”.

Keep in mind that poll creators and group admins can add or delete poll options at any time and only group members and admins can vote on polls.

Edit your Facebook Poll

If you don’t see the poll option available in your Facebook group, it may be because the group admins have disabled it.


Polls are a great way to connect with your audience. They give you instant insight into how people feel about your brand, its struggles, and how you can best solve those problems.

You can adjust your digital marketing strategy to match your customer’s needs simply by asking the right questions to them. It will give them a sense of ownership and make them feel even more related to your brand.